Xieti, un refugio de conservación en los humedales de Colombia

Fotos fuente:
@tip_toe_tales (IG)
Compartimos este recuerdo de una grata visita recibida de una viajera alemana (embajadora de socialbnb), a la Reserva Natural Xieti.

Lo consideramos particularmente especial, porque que nos brinda resumidamente (video, escrito y posterior reseña) una serie de emociones y vivencias altamente concordantes con el espíritu que ofrecemos a visitantes de esta reserva, tanto en hospedaje como en actividades.

Para mayor información sobre la Reserva Natural Xieti, visitar su sitio web: xieti.abctota.org, o explorar los resultados de búsqueda en: https://g.page/tota-xieti

Wetlands are simply wet and otherwise just boring? Not at all!
Meet @tip_toe_tales who stayed via @socialbnb for a few days at the Xieti Nature Reserve (@rnxieti) and learned more about the protection and conservation of the area around Tota - the largest lake in Colombia. Xieti is managed by nonprofit Fundación Montecito (@fmontecito).
This Reserve is home to a variety of wildlife, including birds, amphibians and plants. It is committed to conservation and sustainable tourism with a focus on promoting wetland culture.
A core object for Xieti is to facilitate a follow by example call to sustainability around Lake Tota. It is contributing mainly with links to the local rural school and in activities with children to raise conservation awareness.
Visitors to the reserve can participate in a variety of activities such as birdwatching, hiking and learning about the local ecosystem.
The stay in the wonderful comfortable guesthouse in Xieti lets you connect easily with the nature around you and appreciate the peacefulness of this special place.

#rnxieti #naturalreserve #laketota #wetlands #wetlandsconservation #sustainabletourism #protectnature #montecito #fundacionmontecito #socialbnb #travelresponsibly #meetthelocals #supportsocialprojects


Reseña: https://g.co/kgs/hWaZQGN


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