Hemos sido aceptados como miembros de Linking Tourism & Conservation (LT&C)
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Visitantes disfrutan de su estancia en Xieti con un recorrido en canoa por la Ensenada de Guáquira |
Esta noticia nos alegra, y anhelamos tener a partir de esto una importante dinámica de intercambio con todos aquellos interesados en el turismo de naturaleza y la conservación.
El registro de la Fundación Montecito con LT&C está relacionado con el proyecto Reserva Natural Xieti, les invitamos a explorar enlace compartido enseguida.
Con orgullo compartimos que hemos sido aceptados como miembros de Linking Tourism & Conservation (LT&C), organización sin ánimo de lucro con sede en Noruega y cuya misión es: Facilitar una red educativa global de embajadores del turismo y la conservación, que colaboran para incrementar las mejores prácticas turísticas que apoyan el establecimiento, desarrollo y gestión de áreas naturales protegidas.
Nuestro perfil en LT&C: https://www.ltandc.org/member_profile/fundacion-montecito/
Sitio web de LT&C: https://www.ltandc.org/
[Update] 18.11.2023
Fusión de LTandC con Ö.T.E. (Ecological Tourism in Europe E.T.E)
Copiado de su enlace original: https://www.ltandc.org/ltc-and-o-t-e-now-officially-one-organization/
Fuente: LTandC
November 18, 2023

After more than a year since we announced LT&C is merging with the German-based Ö.T.E. (Ecological Tourism in Europe E.T.E), we are excited to inform you that the necessary legal steps have been completed.
LT&C has a new, legal name: Ecological Tourism in Europe – Linking Tourism and Conservation e.V. This will be shortened to Ö.T.E.–LT&C.
Ö.T.E.–LT&C is now officially based in Bonn, Germany, and is listed in the register of associations.
The vision and aims of the newly merged organization remain aligned with LT&C’s aims:
To advocate for sustainable tourism worldwide, Ö.T.E.–LT&C supports the goals of national strategies and international conventions in the fields of sustainability, biodiversity, and tourism. The organization wants to bring about a balance between the protection of nature and the social demands of communities in the face of tourism development. To achieve this, the association works, in particular, with tour operators, protected areas, tourism communities, marketing organizations, accommodation providers, and tourists.
The Articles of Association for the new organization are available to read in English and German.
As part of the legal requirements of the merger, LT&C members need to officially leave LT&C and join Ö.T.E.–LT&C so that we can close LT&C as a Norwegian-based NGO. For this, we will contact our existing members individually.
We are planning a virtual AGM on January 24th, 2024 to which all active members will be invited. This AGM will vote for our new board, and we are currently accepting nominations for the new board – click here for nominations.
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