
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2017

Encuentro con el Director de Corpoboyacá

Por iniciativa surgida el pasado 17/Marzo en el encuentro de Cuítiva para entrega de estaciones meteorológicas con visita de Ministro de Ambiente, Ideam, Corpoboyacá y entes administrativos, el Gerente del proyecto Reserva Natural Pueblito Antiguo Sr. Oscar Romel Rojas tuvo a bien, sugerir al Director de Corpoboyacá Ing. José Ricardo López que agendara un espacio para dialogar sobre Playa Blanca (y Lago de Tota). Y en efecto se agendó para el 5/Abril, con participación de tres actores de sociedad civil que hemos mantenido compromiso constante con la cuenca: Pedro Reyes (desde Fundación Obsa), el citante Oscar Rojas (desde RNPA), y el suscrito (desde Fundación Montecito). Conversa en @Corpoboyaca Pedro Reyes, Felipe Velasco @FMontecito Ricardo López y @OscaRomeLaguner hablando sobre nuestro Lago de Tota...! pic.twitter.com/8trkMtYnb3 — PueblitoAntiguoLTota (@PueblitoAntiguo) 6 de abril de 2017 Por espacio algo mayor a 2 horas, el Director de Corpoboyacá nos atendió generosament

First Workshop with Children (subject: Bees of Lake Tota)

Published originally at:  https://www.generosity.com/education-fundraising/bees-of-lake-tota-colombia/ First Workshop with Children Yesterday (5th/Apr) and as a result of a team work including volunteers Matthi (GER), Pearl (USA) and Dawood (SWE) by coordination of Juanita from our NGO, and the School, we had our first Bees&Water workshop with children in the School of Guáquira (near to Lake Tota). There were short lectures (presented on a TV screen), trivia games related to the subject, open-air activities (to make children behave and work as bees, including a proper work of collecting paper-pollen on a cardboard-beehive), and a question-answer activity, to finallize with presents to all of them (those presents were donated by the company Avant in Colombia). And later, the team went to Lake Tota shore to complete a filming footage. This Friday we'll have a 2nd Workshop with a new group of children in that School, and also an additional one with adults in that rural co